Domperidone (Motilium) 10 mg buy online. The stomach does not lose tone!

Motilium (Domperidone) generic.

motilium drugMotilium improves upper gastrointestinal motility disordered in patients with chronic and sub-acute gastritis and diabetic gastroparesis.

Motilium blocks pereferal and central dophamin receptors, removes inhibiting influence of dophamin on motor activity of gastrointestinal tract and increases evacuative and tone of stomach. It has anti-vomiting effect, soothes hiccup and nausea. Motilium is used to treat vomiting of different origin, hiccup, atonic gastrointestinal tract, necessity to accelerate peristalsis for X-ray examination, dispepsia caused by slow stomach, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, gas, heartburn with or without passage of gastric contents into the mouth.

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Atony (relaxation) of the stomach is a serious disease, as a result of which the stomach loses its tone. This can occur against the background of nerve damage or with severe asthenia as a result of the development of conditions such as:

  • peritonitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • stressful events;
  • surgical intervention;
  • diseases of infectious origin.

Active Ingredient: Domperidone

Diseases: Nausea Burping Morning Sickness Vomiting

Symptoms of gastric atony

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • improvement of gastric motility (belching, nausea);

In addition, this condition is characterized by an exacerbation of symptoms immediately after eating.

Establishing diagnosis

The symptoms of gastric atony are universal for most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which complicates the diagnosis. Most often, patients with low weight, exhaustion, or, conversely, chronic overeating along with low consumption of foods containing fiber are suspected of developing this disease. Find out the rules for ordering by mail, the best price.

In order to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed gastroscopy and/or gastrography.

Treatment of gastric atony

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, therapy is prescribed based on improving the motility of the digestive tract. In addition, nutritional correction and physiotherapeutic treatment are helpful. Surgical therapy is considered ineffective and leads to relapse in most cases.

Among drugs for improving motor skills, Motilium has good effectiveness. By blocking dopamine receptors, its inhibitory effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract is eliminated and the contractile effect of the antrum of the stomach and duodenum is increased.

Motilium is sold online without a prescription. Before buying a medicine, you should consult a specialist.

Contraindications for taking Motilium

Motilium is well tolerated, except in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • bleeding of gastrointestinal origin;
  • increased levels of prolactin of various etiologies;
  • intestinal obstruction of a mechanical nature (in oncology);
  • violation of the integrity of the stomach or intestines in the form of perforation;
  • children under 5 years of age

In all these situations, taking generic Motilium 10mg is contraindicated. It should be noted that if you weigh 20 kg, you cannot prescribe the tablet form of the drug for over-the-counter sale.

Motilium other names: Aciban dsr Adzole dm Agilam Apentral Apuldon Arcelenan Atidon Avizol d Avomit Benzilum Bipéridys Bompy Canozol d Cilroton Cinet Cobaperidon Costi Cosy Coszol d Dalic Dany Deflux Degut Depam Diocid d Docivin Dolium Dombaz Domedon Domepraz Domerdon Dometa Dometic Domezol Domilin Domilux Domin Dominal Dominat Dompan Domped Dompel Dompenyl Domper Domperdone Domperidona Domperidoni maleas Domperidonmaleat Domperidonum

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