2/05/2010 FNM All WorldWake Draft top finishers:

Nineteen players came out for one of only 2 ALL WORLDWAKE FNM DRAFTS here are the top finishers who were 3-1 or better:
1. Wes Inoshita
2. Kevin Tam
3. Dominic Roos
4. James Kuwata
5. Jeff Lee
This weeks 2/12/2010 FNM will be hosted by Jeff Lee.  It is supposed to be an ALL WorldWake draft which maybe could be changed to 1 Zendikar / 2 WorldWake if majority requests the change.  This weeks FNM will start at 6pm.

Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.

Results for Jan. 2, 2010 Standard Cash Tournament.

Some of the states best players were in the field of sixteen that went for the cash this day after New Years.  Some of the veteran players did a little too much partying on New Year’s eve and were admittedly not as prepared as they wanted to be, but came out anyway for a chance at the cash.  I appreciate the turnout and will be sure to add another cash event soon.  In the end, the event was settled with an uninspired draw between friends.  Who took home $100 each.  Thank you very much to all of you who came out to play and special thanks to Jeff Lee for officiating the event.

Top 4 finishers:

1) Dominic Roos $100

2) James Kuwata $100

3) Daniel Andrews $25

4) Colin Hong  $25


Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.

Catching up on FNM results……

Hey guys, I want to apologize in advance if any info is incorrect.  I wrote myself notes on very small pieces of paper………I want to try and give players props for playing and winning.

January 22, 2010 FNM Zendikar Sealed top  4:

1) David Soule
2) Brandon Smith
3) Brad Freeman
4) Chris Jacobs

January 15, 2010 FNM M-2010 Draft

1) Keven Kamisato
2) Mike Ching
3) Joshua Acosta
4) Joel Alexander

January 8, 2010 FNM Zendikar Draft
1) Colin Hong
2) Clayton Lee
3) Scott Inada
4) Jacob Kipi
5) Keven Kamisato

Jan. 1, 2010.  New Years FNM Standard Construct.18 players with nothin’ better to do….
1) Philippe Martin
2) Joshua Acosta
3) Edward Meyers
4) Colin Hong
5) James Kuwata
6) Travis Ganiko
7) Sasha Han

Dec. 25, 2009.  Christmas FNM Zendikar Sealed
1) Timothy Thomason
2) Analynn Bustamante
3) Clayton Lee
4) Mike Ching

December 18, 2009 FNM Draft M-2010
1) Kris Andrews
2) Mike ching
3) Gaven Lee
4) Daniel Andrews

December 11, 2009 FNM Draft M-2010
1) Kevin Tam
2) Keven Kamisato
3) Kris Andrews
4) Joshua Acosta  

December 4, 2009 FNM Standard Constucted

1) Cardan Tengan
2) Joshua Acosta
3) Clayton Lee
4) Kimberly Heu


Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.

November Sat. MTG results

Sorry for the delay.  Trying to catch up on all the things I let pile up.  We will have another EDH event soon.  Thank you very much to everyone who came out to play.  🙂  Paula

November 14, 2009 Sat. Extended Constructed

1st) Mike Ching
2nd) Gavan Lee
3rd) Jordan Bongolan
4th) Grant Yoneoka
5th) Joshua Acosta

November 21, 2010 Sat. Extended Constructed

1) Cardan Tengan
2) Byron Juarez
3) Kris Andrews

Elder Dragon Highlander Sat. Nov. 28, 2009

1) Mike Ching
2) Daniel Andrews
3) Byron Juarez
4) Cardan Tengan

Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.


With the new year, comes new store hours:

Monday – Thursday: 11am – 6:30pm

Friday 11 am – 9pm (open later due to Friday Night Magic – FNM)

Saturday 11am – 5pm

Closed on Sunday’s.

It’s a beautiful day here in Hawaii to start the the new decade of 2010!  For those of you who are wondering what the weather is like today, it is 80 degrees and very sunny.  I thought about posting a picture for you, however, still not techie enough to know how.  Hey, maybe if Russ is reading this, he’ll call me and lmk.  Hell, if any of you out there know how and want to see a picture, call me (808-533-4886).  The store is OPEN today, New Years day until 5pm. 

FNM Standard Constructed starts at 2pm, cost is $5.00.




Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.

Nismo68 Opens a Gift (08/09 Exquisite Basketball)

It took a long time to get Rod down here to open his gift from ExquisiteCollector (Tim) but it was supposed to be a surprise and he was I believe. Here it is, unedited.

Posted via email from Paula’s Sports Cards Etc.