EVERY THURSDAY 3:30PM VANGUARD TOURNAMENTS CONSTRUCTED 2 PACKS ANTIED / PLAYER $5.00. Free Cardfight Vol. 2 pack to every participant. ****(VANGUARD WEBSITE IS WRONG TO LIST OUR EVENTS ON SUNDAY. WILL TRY TO HAVE IT CHANGED). Sat Sept 15, noon Zendikar Draft (drafting all Zendikar) Any two $3.00 packs anted for prizes $20.00. Sat. Sept 15, 2:30pm Scars block Draft (1 Scars/1 Beseiged/1 Phyrexia) Any two $3.00 packs anted for prize $18.00. FNM Sept 21, 4pm Standard Constructed $5.00 & 6:30 INNISTRAD BLOCK SEALED (3 inns.+ 3 Dk Assen) $20. Sat. Sept 22, noon MODERN CONSTRUCTED $7 (2pks anted/player). Sat Sept 22, 2:15pm Zendikar Draft (drafting all Zendikar) Any two $3.00 packs anted for prizes $20.00 Sat. Sept. 22, 1pm World of Warcraft War of the Ancients Sneak Preview. Sealed Deck $25.00. Special Event Promos and Battleground Tokens given to all participants. FNM Sept 28, 3pm Standard Constructed $5.00 & 5pm Standard Constructed $5.00 SAT. Sept. 29, 12:01AM $24 (only midnight event is $24 all the rest are $21.00), SAT NOON $21 & SAT 5:30PM $21. ALL EVENTS ARE SEALED DECK. SUNDAY Sept 30TH 11AM $21, SUN 2:30PM $21 & SUN 5:30PM $21. ALL EVENTS ARE SEALED DECK. ***Sorry about the price adjustment our Distributor (not Wizards) will increase the cost for MTG Booster Boxes with Return to Ravnica.*** Sat. SEPT 29TH, 12:01AM MIDNIGHT RETURN TO RAVNICA Pre-release Sealed Event #1. Keith and I will open the store at by 11:15pm to take registrations for midnight event. Six (6) packs, promo and dice for each entrant. Two (2) packs ante per event participant entry fee $24. We will be using Ernest Chang Piano Studio for our 12:01 event. ![]() We are now allowed to have THREE Pre-Release events per day but no side events. Pre-register and pre-pay for ANY OR ALL EVENTS to reserve your packs and promo – even if you can’t make it. Great way to get extra promos and early RETURN TO RAVNICA Boosters Packs. Because it is a day event Saturday, tournament players must find street parking for the duration of the event. If you are unsure of where to park, please come early and ask Keith or Paula for assistance. Please let us know if you do not intend to stay or play. *********IMPORTANT PLEASE READ BELOW********** WITH RETURN TO RAVNICA WIZARDS WILL BE DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT WITH IT’S PRE-RELEASE. THERE WILL BE 5 DIFFERENT ”GUILDS” WITH 5 DIFFERENT PROMOS AND DICE (ONE FOR EACH GUILD). FOR THE FIRST TIME YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE THE PROMO IN YOUR MATCH. WE WILL BE GIVEN EVEN AMOUNTS FOR EACH GUILD SO IF YOU ARE A COLLECTOR AND WANT TO ENSURE THAT YOU GET ONE OF EACH, PRE-REGISTER FOR ALL 6 EVENTS $129 AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL 5 PRE-RELEASE GUILDS. LAST ONE WILL BE RANDOM. PLEASE CALL PAULA IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PH 808-533-4886. **All FNM events capped at three 40 minute rounds. 4pm FNM event rounds can be shortened to accomodate the 6pm FNM start time. FNM Start times vary. Please read start times carefully*** Minimum 8 players for MTG events to be DCI sanctioned. 4 players minimum for WOW events and Yugioh events. The dates, times, and events of all tournaments are subject to change. Cash only for tournaments. Store does accept debit & credit cards for store purchases. Aloha from The Store, 🙂 Paula Paula Nakata Paula’s Sports Cards, Etc. ph. (808) 533-4886 |
September 21st, 2012
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